Set up Django on a WSGI/ASGI server
In order to deploy a Django project to the real world, you'll need to set it up to work on an WSGI/ASGI server. A WSGI/ASGI server is a piece of software designed to run Python applications in a web environment.
Although there are various WSGI/ASGI servers and architectures you can choose from -- of which I'll describe the most common options -- the principle of all WSGI/ASGI servers is to efficiently handle requests from end user's browsers and execute the underlying Python/Django workflow returning the appropriate response.
The inner workings of Django's built-in server: python runserver
Up to this point, the way to access Django projects has been through Django's built-in server command python runserver
, which effectively allows visitors to access a Django project through a browser.
While there's nothing inherently wrong with python runserver
, it's not designed to deal with the potential demands and threats that are common in real world web environments.
That said, let's take a closer look at a request/response workflow for Django's python runserver
to better understand its limitations, as well as set the foundations to understand the various parameters and architectures that are used with WSGI/ASGI servers.
Listing 5-10 illustrates the log output produced by python runserver
when a single user attempts to access the Django admin main page (i.e./admin/
url). Each line in listing 5-10 represents a request/response generated by Django's built-in server, where each line follows the pattern: [Timestamp] "(HTTP method) (URL request path) (HTTP version)" (HTTP Status Code) (# of bytes in response)
Listing 5-10. Request/response workflow for Django's python runserver
$ python runserver System check identified no issues (0 silenced). Django version 4.0.1, using settings 'coffeehouse.testing_settings' Starting development server at [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /admin/ HTTP/1.1" 302 0 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /admin/login/?next=/admin/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2215 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /static/admin/css/base.css HTTP/1.1" 200 19513 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /static/admin/css/login.css HTTP/1.1" 200 954 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /static/admin/css/nav_sidebar.css HTTP/1.1" 200 2616 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /static/admin/js/nav_sidebar.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3401 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /static/admin/css/responsive.css HTTP/1.1" 200 18545 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /static/admin/css/fonts.css HTTP/1.1" 200 423 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Light-webfont.woff HTTP/1.1" 200 85692 [11/Apr 17:36:31] "GET /static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff HTTP/1.1" 200 85876 [11/Apr 17:36:36] "POST /admin/login/?next=/admin/ HTTP/1.1" 302 0 [11/Apr 17:36:36] "GET /admin/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3414 [11/Apr 17:36:36] "GET /static/admin/css/dashboard.css HTTP/1.1" 200 380 [11/Apr 17:36:36] "GET /static/admin/img/icon-changelink.svg HTTP/1.1" 200 380 [11/Apr 17:36:36] "GET /static/admin/img/icon-addlink.svg HTTP/1.1" 200 331 [11/Apr 17:36:36] "GET /static/admin/fonts/Roboto-Bold-webfont.woff HTTP/1.1" 200 86184
The most important aspect in listing 5-10 is there are only two timestamps -- [11/Apr 17:36:31]
and [11/Apr 17:36:36]
-- and over a dozen requests/responses. Ten requests/responses occurring at the 31st second and six occurring at the 36th second, with all requests/responses generated for a single user.
The first set of requests/responses tagged with the [11/Apr 17:36:31]
timestamp, represent end user requests/responses for the /admin/
URL. Because the user is logged out, the first request "GET /admin/ HTTP/1.1" 302 0
indicates a redirect (HTTP 302
status code) with 0 response bytes, to the /admin/login/?next=/admin/
URL -- which is the admin login page -- that returns a success response (HTTP 200
status code) with 2215 response bytes. In addition, the remaining eight requests/responses at 17:36:31
are all for static resources (e.g. Cascading Style Sheets [.css
], JavaScript [.js
]) under the static
URL, required by the page generated at the /admin/login/
The second set of requests/responses tagged with the [11/Apr 17:36:36]
timestamp, represent end user requests/responses to login at the /admin/login/
URL. Because the user is submitting credentials, the first request "POST /admin/login/?next=/admin/ HTTP/1.1" 302 0
is an HTTP POST method that redirects (HTTP 302
status code) with 0 response bytes, to the /admin/
URL -- which is the main admin page -- that returns a success response (HTTP 200
status code) with 3414 response bytes. In addition, the remaining four requests/responses at 17:36:36
are all for static resources (e.g. Cascading Style Sheets [.css
], JavaScript [.js
]) under the static
URL, required by the page generated at the /admin/
The main takeaways from listing 5-10 are:
- There are only four URL requests/responses that are backed by Python/Django. Two of them redirects -- which require little work -- and two that actually require Python processing.
- The remaining twelve URL requests/responses are for static resources, that is, files that require no Python processing at all.
- Only a single operating system(OS) process is used by Django's server to attend all requests/responses.
This handling of both static and Python backed requests/responses by Django's built-in server is done for the sake of simplicity. Similarly, to simplify its use and setup, Django's built-in server lacks most of the scalability and security features needed by real world web applications, in other words, with Django's built-in server there's no need to configure anything or calibrate resources to match user demand.
With an understanding of how Django's python runserver
is designed with simplicity in mind, let's explore some real processing requirements for web applications so you gain a better understanding of what you'll need to deal with when working with WSGI/ASGI servers.
The ABCs of processing web requests/responses
There are two broad types of web requests/responses, depending on how the information they generate is backed:
- Static.- Where a request is made for information that's the same for all users and therefore a response consists of reading the contents of a file and sending it out to the requesting user.
- Dynamic.- Where a request is made for information that's personalized on a per request basis and therefore a response consists of executing a program to generate personalized content for each requesting user.
Attending dynamically backed web requests/responses requires more time and resources vs. attending statically backed web requests/responses. For this reason, it's considered a best practice to attend statically backed requests/responses separately from dynamically backed requests/responses. You can of course attend statically backed requests/responses with the same dynamically backed pipeline -- like Django's built-in server python runserver
-- but it's simply wasteful to use a Python powered process to serve static information that doesn't need it. In addition, given the nature of static web requests/responses, it's also convenient to use this separation for static web requests/responses to allow advanced static scaling architectures (e.g. CDN [ Content Delivery Network], caching).
Django is inclusively designed to enforce this separation between statically and dynamically backed information, but more details on this are provided in the upcoming section Set up static web page resources -- Images, CSS, JavaScript -- in Django.
Another important aspect of web requests/responses is the amount that can be realistically processed at any given time. In listing 5-10, you can see how a single user can easily generate multiple requests/responses per second. In a real world Django application with hundreds of users, you can easily have dozens or hundreds of web requests/responses per second.
Since computing processes are prone to running out of resources, keeping busy, crashing and other sorts of uncontrollable behaviors, it's simply not a realistic solution to attend dozens or hundreds of web requests/responses per second with a single OS process -- like Django's built-in server python runserver
. To solve this problem, a WSGI/ASGI server uses various strategies to handle larger demands, which include: multiple processes, self-healing processes, as well the ability to use multiple threads in a single process to handle an even greater amount of web requests/responses. As we move forward into specific WSGI/ASGI server configurations, these strategies are discussed in greater detail.
The need for WSGI servers, ASGI servers & different deployment architectures
To understand where WSGI & ASGI servers fit in the grand scheme of processing web requests/responses, it's necessary to take a few steps back at how web processing began.
At the dawn of the web, there was just the need to handle static web requests/responses. The piece of software designed to handle this was simply called a web server, of which there are still many in wide use today (e.g. Apache, Nginx), albeit their core functionality today is often abstracted away in turn key services (e.g. AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage).
As the need for dynamic web requests/responses started to appear, web servers started to support standards to create dynamic content generated from different programming languages. CGI or 'Common Gateway Interface' was the first approach -- dating back to 1993 -- which allowed a programming language environment (e.g. Python or other) to run application code on behalf of a web server. CGI being the first such approach, was very inefficient and insecure, since it spawned a standalone and heavyweight programming language environment alongside a web server. Next, FastCGI appeared as an improved version of CGI -- hence the preceding 'Fast' in its name -- but which nevertheless still provided sub-optimal conditions to execute dynamically backed web requests/responses.
With CGI and FastCGI being general purpose solutions to support dynamic web requests/responses for all programming languages (e.g. Java, PHP), Python specific solutions started to appear in the form of web server modules. Web server modules allowed programming language environments to run embedded as part of a web server's process, addressing the shortcomings of CGI/FastCGI, keeping the programming language environment closer to the web serving process and making dynamic web requests/responses run faster than traditional CGI/FastCGI. One of the first modules was Apache's mod_python
that embedded a Python interpreter into the Apache web server, however, with mod_python
being an ad-hoc Apache solution and not sanctioned by the Python community as a whole, it failed to garner widespread adoption.
It was left to WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) -- in the form of PEP-3333[3] -- to become the standard set forth by the Python language to promote common ground for portable communication between Python applications and web servers. What WSGI guarantees is that any Python application irrespective of framework -- Django or other -- just has to align itself with the WSGI standard to be able to work with any WSGI compliant server.
Along the same lines, ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) became the standard[4] to promote common ground for portable communication between async Python applications and web servers. What ASGI guarantees is that any async Python application irrespective of framework -- Django or other -- just has to align itself with the ASGI standard to be able to work with any ASGI compliant server.
Tip All Django applications are equipped to run on WSGI & ASGI servers, via
scripts in each project. Additional details and differences are provided in the next section on ASGI setup.
With both WSGI & ASGI being standards, it means there are many options to choose from to run Django applications. In principle, all WSGI/ASGI servers achieve the same end result, which is to serve a Python/Django application to the public, however, where they start to differ is in the amount of features, updates and architectures they support. To understand different WSGI/ASGI deployment architectures, it's important to understand the different expectations people and organizations have with respect to availability and maintainability of web applications, as well as the fuzzy boundaries that now exist between plain web servers -- designed to attend static web requests/responses -- and WSGI/ASGI servers (a.k.a. app servers) designed to attend dynamic web requests/responses bound to Python backed apllications.
The technology needs for a locally & family owned coffeehouse can be very different to those of an international & franchised coffeehouse. The first one is unlikely to be affected if its web application goes offline for a couple of days, however, the second one is more likely to face considerable losses if its web operations are interrupted, given its wider geographical reach. Similarly, a small coffeehouse is likely to update its web application every month or year -- if ever -- while a larger coffeehouse is more likely to update its web applications every week or day. Such requirements influence whether you can make due with a $5 month server and not lose sleep over web operational concerns or if you need to invest in a more sophisticated deployment architecture with CI/CD (Continuous integration/continuous delivery) and be prone to security attacks that only medium to large online business worry about (e.g. Denial-of-service [DoS] attacks).
Irrespective of the web needs of a particular business, the amount of security vulnerabilities and user demand placed on today's web bound software can be overwhelming. For this reason, it's a common practice to separate the work done by web servers and app servers. With plain web servers focusing on handling massive amounts of web requests/responses and dealing with the most obscure security vulnerabilities on the web, while app servers focusing on efficiently handling web requests/responses for a given programming language, which for Python/Django backed applications means through WSGI/ASGI app servers. Although as you'll learn shortly, it's entirely possible to use a unified web server/app server deployment architecture for simplicity or budget sake.
Finally, one more decision that will affect your selection of deployment architecture is your application's Python & Django development paradigm. In the Python & Django world there are two paradigms to develop applications: the classical way (a.k.a. synchronous) which requires the use of a WSGI server and a more novel way (a.k.a. asynchronous) that requires the use of an ASGI server. The chapter on Django async applications discusses these design differences in greater detail and the later section discusses ASGI app server deployment.
Most common Django deployment setup: A proxy web server with a WSGI app server
The most common practices to deploy a Django application is to proxy all requests/responses through a plain web server -- to take advantage of its strengths -- and then leverage a WSGI server to perform the heavy-lifting Python processing, taking advantage of its strengths. Figure 5-1 illustrates this deployment architecture.

Figure 5-1. Web server proxy in front of WSGI server
As shown in figure 5-1, web requests/responses are funneled through a plain web server (e.g. Nginx) and then Python/Django backed requests are sent to a WSGI server (e.g. uWSGI) to generate the proper responses.
Using a plain web server as the first contact point and proxy for a web application has several advantages. A plain web server is designed to do just one thing well, dispatch all types of web requests/responses as efficiently as possible, leading to high throughput. With its limited scope, a web server's security attack footprint is also very small, so there's less to worry about in terms of programming language security vulnerabilities or such things. In addition, given a plain web server's use across a myriad of applications written in different programming languages, this also means a wider installed base and more user communities on the lookout for web security vulnerabilities.
In the case of a WSGI server to process Python/Django requests/responses, the main advantage of having it behind a proxy is it's shielded from brute force security attacks from the wider Internet, since it can be configured to only listen for requests from the proxy. In addition, a WSGI server has all kinds of features to support Python-specific processing requirements (e.g. processes, threads) and as such is optimized to deal with most issues in Python backed application processes.
Now let's take a look at how to set up the Nginx web server[5] as a proxy with the uWSGI app server[6], the last of which is one of the most populare WSGI servers.
The first step is to install the uWSGI server. The easiest way to do this is with Python's pip
package manager, as its been done with other Python packages since the first chapter. Execute python3 -m pip install uWSGI
to install the uWSGI app server into Python's run-time. Once you install uWSGI, confirm its executable is installed correctly running which uwsgi
, the output should return the location of the uwsgi
executable (e.g. /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
or <virtual_env_home>/bin/uwsgi
), if you see no output then uWSGI wasn't installed correctly and you'll need to review the pip
logs for more details.
The uWSGI configuration options exceed well over 100 flags, so it's almost impossible to create a one-size-fits-all configuration for uWSGI or any other WSGI server for that matter. Listing 5-11 illustrates a basic uWSGI command line executable example with configuration parameters to launch a small to medium sized Django project. Be aware you'll most likely need to tweak, remove or add new flags in listing 5-11 to accommodate the size and requirements of your project, the purpose for each of these flags is presented in table 5-2 below and you can also consult the uWSGI footnote link for more detailed information other uWSGI flags.
Listing 5-11 uWSGI with basic configuration options
[user@coffeehouse ~]$ uwsgi --socket --listen 128 --chdir /www/STORE/ --pythonpath "/python/beginningdjango/lib/python3.8/site-packages/:/www/STORE/" --module coffeehouse.wsgi --processes 3 --uid www-data --gid www-data --vacuum --master --enable-threads --harakiri 180 --max-requests 1000 --disable-logging --single-interpreter *** Starting uWSGI 2.0.20 (64bit) on .....*** ......... ......... ......... spawned uWSGI master process (pid: 15787) spawned uWSGI worker 1 (pid: 15792, cores: 1) spawned uWSGI worker 2 (pid: 15793, cores: 1) spawned uWSGI worker 3 (pid: 15794, cores: 1)
You can see in listing 5-11 that after you run the uwsgi
command with its various configuration options, uWSGI outputs a series of logs, that include the ids for each of the uWSGI processes and then just waits for requests (that it outputs as log messages) or waits for a shutdown instruction.
Table 5-2 provides details about the uWSGI configuration options used in listing 5-11 so you can get a better feel for what it's they do.
Table 5-2 uWSGI basic configuration options with descriptions
uWSGI option | Description |
--socket |
It sets the address/port on which uWSGI listens. This is typically set to IP address, so WSGI only listens for connections on this the local address. The port number can be set to any number, in this case its set to 27000 which is generally unused by OS. |
--listen 128 |
Sets the socket listen queue size, which is important because it limits the amount of sockets uWSGI can listen on. Note on Linux OS sockets are capped to 128, which means you can have at most 128 sockets open ~ 128 simultaneous users. However, you can use a greater --listen number by changing the OS limits via /proc/sys/net/somaxconn and /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog for TCP sockets. |
--chdir /www/STORE/ |
Sets a base directory prior to loading the WSGI application. For Django projects this is a project's BASE_DIR (i.e. where the file is) |
--pythonpath "/python/beginningdjango/lib/python3.8/site-packages/:/www/STORE/" |
This option declares a list of directory locations separated by : to ensure all Python dependencies are available to the Python interpreter that runs uWSGI. For Django projects, this typically points to a Python virtualenv directory -- where Django and other third party packages are installed -- and a Django project's BASE_DIR (i.e. where the file is) to access application packages. The Install Django from Python's PYTHONPATH has additional details on how PYTHONPATH works. |
--module coffeehouse.wsgi |
This points to a Django project's wsgi configuration file relative to the BASE_DIR . Where coffeehouse is the PROJECT_DIR directory name (i.e. where the file is) and wsgi is the file created for all Django projects located in the PROJECT_DIR . |
--processes 3 |
Indicates the number of processes/workers that can attend requests simultaneously. Notice in listing 5-11 the output indicates 3 processes/workers, each with its own process id. Beware it can be detrimental to run a large number of processes/workers if the underlying hardware doesn't have the necessary resources to support them. |
--uid www-data |
Sets the user id/name that owns the uWSGI processes/workers. Note the underlying Django project files must also have permissions for this id/name |
--gid www-data |
Sets the group id/name that owns the uWSGI processes/workers. Note the underlying Django project files must also have permissions for this id/name |
--vacuum |
This is a clean-up option that removes all generated files/sockets by uWSGI. |
--master |
Enables a master process, which is uWSGI's built-in prefork+threading multi-worker mode and the recommended approach for most scenarios since it allows better management of worker processes/workers. |
--enable-threads |
Enables threads which by default are disabled in uWSGI. This is the recommended option for Django applications, since if any third-party packages use threads it guarantees threads work. Alternatively, the --threads <number> option can be used to configure a specific <number> of threads per worker/process. |
--harakiri 180 |
Sets the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a uWSGI task to complete. This is a self-healing option to avoid run-away requests/responses. If you're expecting Django response to take longer than 3 minutes (180 seconds) -- which in itself is an extremely long wait for web apps -- increase this setting. If you're paranoid about resource consumption you can reduce this setting, just be aware running responses are killed if they reach this threshold. |
--max-requests 1000 |
Sets the maximum number of requests processed by a worker, after which time the worker is re-started. This is another self-healing option that ensures workers are restarted continuously to avoid long-running workers that may produce memory leaks. |
--disable-logging |
It reduces logging overhead, but you can always remove it if you need to log requests (e.g. for debugging). |
--single-interpreter |
A recommended setting to save memory as it uses a single Python interpreter for all workers. |
(Not in listing 5-11, but used for real world deployment) |
Sets uWSGI to daemon mode, unblocking the console on which its run and sending output to the specified log. |
The uWSGI --socket
option in listing 5-11 is set to
, which tells the uWSGI server to run on the local address (i.e.
on port 27000
. However, if you open up a browser and point it to this address, you won't be able to access anything and you'll see the uWSGI logs output messages in the form invalid request block size: 21573 (max 4096)...skip. This error is because uWSGI, by default, doesn't attend HTTP protocol requests, which is what browsers and applications on the web use. You can potentially setup uWSGI and most WSGI servers to attend HTTP protocol requests directly, but this is discussed in the next section bare-bones WSGI setup: All-in-one server as a less common Django deployment architecture.
What we need to do next is set up Nginx to communicate with the uWSGI app server. The install Nginx on a Linux OS you can use the apt
OS package manager with the command: apt install nginx
. If you're using another OS, there are Nginx installers for various OS and the source code itself to install Nginx on any OS, all of which you can find in the Nginx footnote link.
Nginx like all web servers has many configuration options that are beyond the scope of Python & Django, so I'll focus on the particularities of setting up Nginx with uWSGI and leave you to research Nginx options elsewhere. An Nginx server configuration to communicate with a uWSGI app server looks like the one listing 5-12.
Listing 5-12 Nginx server configuration to communicate with uWSGI server
server { # Bind to public address, to attend public requests #listen; # Bind to local address, to attend local requests listen; server_name *; location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_connect_timeout 300; uwsgi_send_timeout 300; uwsgi_read_timeout 300; uwsgi_pass; uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT coffeehouse.wsgi; }
The Nginx server
block in listing 5-12 has two sections. The first section has the Nginx general purpose listen
and server_name
parameters. The listen
parameter is used to bind Nginx to a network address on which to listen for web requests. On live servers listen
is assigned a public IP address (e.g.
) assigned by a hosting/cloud provider, while for development purposes this is generally the local IP address
, for both cases port 80
is used which is the standard for HTTP requests. In this case, the listen;
value is active and the rest are commented out with a #
symbol. The second parameter server_name
is used to tell Nginx to which DNS names the Nginx server
block should respond. In this case, the *
value indicates requests for the
domain and any other
sub-domain due to the wildcard *
syntax *
The second section in listing 5-12 enclosed in location /
contains the Python/Django specific Nginx configuration. The location /
syntax tells Nginx to process all requests for the root URL (i.e. /), in other words, any URL request that starts with /
(e.g. /
, /admin/
, /stores/
) and process it with the configuration values inside the curly brackets {}
, which as you can see in listing 5-12, all use the uwsgi
prefix which indicates they're all uWSGI options. The first parameter include uwsgi_params
is a short-cut syntax to pass various parameters from Nginx to uWSGI included in the uwsgi_params
file. Listing 5-13 illustrates the equivalent uwsgi_param
parameters that are defined in uwsgi_params
Listing 5-13 uwsgi_param
parameters loaded by include uwsgi_params
# The statement: # include uwsgi_params; # is equivalent to declaring all of the following uwsgi_param parameters: uwsgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string; uwsgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method; uwsgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type; uwsgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length; uwsgi_param REQUEST_URI $request_uri; uwsgi_param PATH_INFO $document_uri; uwsgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $document_root; uwsgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol; uwsgi_param REQUEST_SCHEME $scheme; uwsgi_param HTTPS $https if_not_empty; uwsgi_param REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr; uwsgi_param HTTP_X_REAL_IP $http_x_real_ip; uwsgi_param REMOTE_PORT $remote_port; uwsgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port; uwsgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name;
As you can see in listing 5-13, the include uwsgi_params
parameter avoids the need to type a lot of staple values generated by Nginx and pass them to uWSGI.
Following the include uwsgi_params
parameter in listing 5-12 you can see there are three timeout parameters all set to 300
seconds, which are designed to avoid runaway requests/responses between Nginx and uWSGI. Next, comes the uwsgi_pass
parameter which tells Nginx where to connect to uWSGI, a value that matches the --socket
value used by the uWSGI start-up commands in listings 5-11. Finally, the uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT coffeehouse.wsgi
in listing 5-12 is a standalone uWSGI parameter -- just like those in listing 5-13 -- that specifies the uWSGI script that corresponds to the Django application, where coffeehouse
is a directory and wsgi is the
file created for all Django projects.
Once you enable a Nginx server with the configuration in listing 5-12 and ensure the backing uWSGI app server from listings 5-11 is active, point a browser to the Nginx address to access the Django application. If you see the application, albeit without static resources (e.g. Images, CSS, JavaScript) you're ok, how to setup static resources is discussed in Set up static web page resources -- Images, CSS, JavaScript.
If you get an error, check the uWSGI logs. Table 5-3 contains a list of the most common errors and fixes for uWSGI deployments.
Table 5-3 Common uWSGI errors and fixes with Nginx
Error/Cause | Fixes |
ImportError: No module named django.core.wsgi
(Cause: uWSGI can't locate the Django installation)
Verify the --pythonpath flag has the route to a Python interpreter with a Django installation -- see example in listings 5-11.
Also check the permissions for the Django installation files and confirm they're accessible by the user that owns uWSGI (i.e. --uid and --gid values).
ImportError: Could not import settings '<project_name>.settings' (Is it on sys.path?): No module named <project_name>.settings
(Cause: uWSGI can't locate the Django application) |
Verify the --module flag has the route to the Django application -- see example in listing 5-11.
Also check the permissions for the Django application files and confirm they're accessible by the user that owns uWSGI (i.e. --uid and --gid values).
Finally, although you now have Nginx running with the uWSGI app server as shown in figure 5-1, the command line set up presented in listing 5-11 is not permanent. You'll notice that as soon as you log out of the terminal in which you run the command from listing 5-11, the uWSGI app server process is terminated. This is simply due to how OS deal with processes. In order to run the uWSGI app server in a permanent manner, you can use one of two alternatives.
The first alternative is to use the --daemonize
option described in table 5-2. If you run uWSGI without the --daemonize
option (i.e. like listing 5-11) uWSGI sends all output to the console and blocks until uWSGI is terminated (e.g. with Ctrl+C or the console is closed). If you've deployed any server side production environment, you know it's necessary to put tasks into the background or daemon mode so they're not abruptly terminated when you close the console on which they were started, which is the purpose of the --daemonize
option to send all output to a given file and unblock the console. Although using the --daemonize
option requires you to hunt down the uWSGI id process to kill it, it's the recommended approach to do live uWSGI deployments.
A second alternative that I personally like is to run uWSGI with supervisor -- a Linux OS utility to monitor and control processes/workers -- which gives you a higher level of control over uWSGI processes (e.g. processes can restart on boot or if they're accidentally killed). Although it would go beyond the scope of this chapter to introduce supervisor, I'll provide a minimal set of instructions to run uWSGI with supervisor.
Listing 5-14 illustrates the script to run uWSGI under supervisor which you would typically place in supervisor's configuration directory (e.g. /etc/supervisor/conf.d/coffeehouse.conf
where coffeehouse.conf
contains listing 5-14).
Listing 5-14 uWSGI script to run on supervisor
[program:coffeehouseuwsgi] command=/python/beginningdjango/bin/uwsgi --socket --listen 128 --chdir /www/STORE/ --pythonpath "/python/beginningdjango/lib/python3.8/site-packages/:/www/STORE/" --module coffeehouse.wsgi --processes 3 --uid www-data --gid www-data --vacuum --master --enable-threads --harakiri 180 --max-requests 1000 --disable-logging --single-interpreter # DONT USE DAEMONIZE FLAG "--daemonize /www/logs/coffeehouse_uwsgi.log" as Supervisor expects full control! # START supervisor specific parameters user=www-data autostart=true autorestart=true stdout_logfile=/www/logs/supervisor_coffeehose_uwsgi.log redirect_stderr=true stopsignal=QUIT directory=/www/ umask=022 # END supervisor specific parameters
The first line in listing 5-14 surrounded by brackets [ ]
is the reference name for the process, this is important as it's used to start, stop and get the status of a process. The second line in listing 5-14 command represents the process to run, which is identical to the one in listing 5-11, but uses an absolute path for the main uwsgi
executable. The remaining options in listing 5-14 are common choices for supervisor scripts, which I would recommend you consult the supervisor documentation if you want more details about their nature.
After you deploy the supervisor script in listing 5-14 and restart the supervisor process, everything should be ready to run uWSGI under supervisor. You can type supervisorctl status
to get a list of supervisor controlled processes, in it, you should see a line that says coffeehouseuwsgi STOPPED <date>
where coffeehouseuwsgi
is the bracketed name in listing 5-14, indicating the process is stopped. To start a supervisor process you can type supervisorctl start <program>
(e.g. supervisorctl start coffeehouseuwsgi
), to stop a supervisor process you can type supervisorctl stop <program>
(e.g. supervisorctl stop coffeehouseuwsgi
) and to re-start a supervisor process you can type supervisorctl restart <program>
(e.g. supervisorctl restart coffeehouseuwsgi
Tip It's possible to use other web server proxies (e.g. Apache) to operate with the uWSGI app server. In addition, it's also possible to use the Nginx web server as a proxy with other WSGI servers (e.g. Gunicorn). This is the advantage of WSGI being a standard, which allows picking and choosing between different implementations that support WSGI. Just note configuration parameters for other web servers proxies and WSGI app servers can vary slightly.
Bare-bones WSGI setup: All-in-one server
The previous and most common Django deployment architecture begs the question, is it really necessary to use both a web server proxy and WSGI server to deploy a Django applications to the real world ? Strictly speaking, no, even though I and WSGI server makers would strongly recommend it.
If you feel its too much work to run both a web server proxy and WSGI server, your hosting provider imposes limits on what you can run, or you simply don't feel your small Django site warrants the need to use both, you can enable a standalone web server to work as a WSGI server, while you can also enable a WSGI server to directly handle HTTP traffic from the wider Internet. Figure 5-2 illustrates this deployment architecture.

Figure 5-2. Web server with WSGI module & WSGI server with HTTP enabled
As shown in figure 5-2, there are two options to set up an all-in-one server. Option one is to enable a web server like Apache[7] with its built-in WSGI module to take care of the Python/Django processing, as well as its web serving functionlity. Option two is to enable a WSGI app server like Gunicorn[8] to directly attend all HTTP web requests/responses, as well as its Python/Django processing functionality.
Although this set up can appear much simpler than the earlier one presented in figure 5-1, a quick analysis of both figures should remind you why the set up in figure 5-2 should only be used for small deployments or when you're limited by a hosting provider. The problem with using an all-in-one server set up like those presented in figure 5-2 is it can open an application to performance and security flaws due to over-leveraging software that's not intended for multiple purposes. For example, although the Apache web server is a widely used web server, its WSGI implementation (i.e. mod_wsgi
module) isn't necessarily the most widely used or sophisticated WSGI app server, therefore it can lack many features available in other WSGI app servers like uWSGI or Gunicorn. Similarly, although Gunicorn is a widely used WSGI app server, it being used to also handle HTTP requests from the wider Internet directly can make it subject to obscure security attacks for which it was never designed or tested against.
Due to the more limited use of this Django deployment architecture, I'll briefly describe the set up details for some of the more popular choices that support it.
The Apache web server can support WSGI through its module mod_wsgi
[9] module. The Apache mod_wsgi
module has a long history (note some of the security issues) dating back to Python 2.x versions and was developed when WSGI became a standard to supplant the older Apache mod_python
module mentioned earlier when describing CGI/FastCGI.
As of 2022, the Apache mod_wsgi
module is still actively developed, albeit by a single person, who has a done a thorough job documenting how to set up the Apache mod_wsgi
to enable the Apache web server to operate as a unified web server and WSGI app server.
The Gunicorn WSGI app server natively supports the HTTP protocol, so in its out-of-the-box state it's able to directly handle HTTP traffic from the wider Internet, although even Gunicorn's designers recommend you run it behind a proxy -- like figure 5-1. That said, let's a look at a simple Gunicorn configuration to directly attend HTTP requests and operate as a unified web server and WSGI app server.
Similar to the uWSGI app server, the easiest way to install the Gunicorn app server is through pip
with the command python3 -m pip install gunicorn
. Once you install Gunicorn, confirm its executable is installed correctly running which gunicorn
, the output should return the location of the gunicorn
executable (e.g. /usr/local/bin/gunicorn
or <virtual_env_home>/bin/gunicorn
), if you see no output then Gunicorn wasn't installed correctly and you'll need to review the pip
logs for more details.
Listing 5-15 shows a gunicorn
command with various configuration options, similar to those used by uWSGI in listing 5-11, except in this case, Gunicorn is configured to listen directly on port 80 where HTTP requests are typically sent.
Listing 5-15 Gunicorn with basic configuration options
[user@coffeehouse ~]$ sudo gunicorn --bind --chdir=/www/STORE/ --pythonpath "/python/beginningdjango/lib/python3.8/site-packages/:/www/STORE/" --workers 3 --user www-data --group www-data --timeout 180 --max-requests=1000 coffeehouse.wsgi [18:47:54 -0500] [226767] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0 [18:47:54 -0500] [226767] [INFO] Listening at: (226767) [18:47:54 -0500] [226767] [INFO] Using worker: sync [18:47:54 -0500] [226769] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 226769 [18:47:54 -0500] [226770] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 226770 [18:47:54 -0500] [226771] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 226771
Notice the configuration parameters used by the Gunicorn app server in listing 5-15 are almost identical to those used by the uWSGI app server in listing 5-11. If you review table 5-2 once again -- that describes the meaning of each uWSGI configuration parameter -- you'll be able to understand to meaning of each Gunicorn configuration parameter. Similarly, the Gunicorn app server has dozens of configuration parameters you can leverage to optimize its operation, including a --daemon
flag to place Gunicorn in the background just like uWSGI.
What's special about the Gunicorn command in listing 5-15 vs. the uWSGI in listing 5-11, is Gunicorn is configured to run on port 80 and is also able to attend HTTP requests directly, fulfilling both the duties of a web server and WSGI app server. Therefore, if you open up a browser and point it to the address, you'll be able to access the Django application.
Tip You can configure the uWSGI app server to listen directly for HTTP requests by using the--http-socket
flag vs.--socket
(e.g.uwsgi --http-socket ...
Event-loop ASGI setup: An async app server
The first thing you should understand about an ASGI app server is it's designed to work with a Python async application (a.k.a. ASGI application). This means that for ASGI to work as intended you need two parts, an ASGI app server -- that's the topic of this section -- plus an ASGI application designed from the ground-up, which is the topic of the Django async application chapter.
What can lead to some confusion is any Django application can operate with either an ASGI or WSGI app server, all that's needed is one of the bootstrap scripts
, respectively, that are included in all Django projects. However, having the ability to launch a Django application with either an ASGI or WSGI app server, doesn't mean you'll get any benefits, remember you need two parts to get benefits: An ASGI app server & ASGI application to run ASGI correctly; or a WSGI app server & WSGI application to run WSGI correctly; inclusively, a WSGI application can happily run on ASGI app server, since the latter can handle standard HTTP requests/responses used by WSGI applications; albeit, a WSGI app server can't handle a specific sub-set of requests/responses (e.g. Web sockets) used by certain ASGI applications.
An analogy to this scenario is similar to that of the USB 2.0/3.0/4.0 standards used by flash drives, cables and hardware ports. Simply using an USB 4.0 cable, doesn't mean you'll get its benefits if its plugged into a USB 2.0 flash drive, to reap all its benefits, you need to have end-to-end USB 4.0 support -- on the flash drive, on the cable & on the hardware port. Along the same lines, you can use an ASGI app server with any Django application, but if the Django application doesn't make use of async views, async templates & other design patterns intended for async Python applications, using an ASGI app server is either a moot point or detrimental to its overall deployment. In essence, you shouldn't use an ASGI app server, unless a Django application is designed to work with it. With this high-level view of ASGI and pointing you toward the Django async application chapter if you want to learn more about what constitutes an async Python/Django application, let's take a look at the deployment process of an ASGI app server.
ASGI app servers can use the same two deployment architectures described earlier for WSGI app servers: operating behind a proxy web server or directly attending requests from the wider Internet. Similarly and for practically the same reasons, the recommended approach is to run an ASGI app server behind a proxy web server, therefore I'll concentrate on this deployment architecture for ASGI app servers.
ASGI app servers are different than WSGI app servers in how they handle requests/responses internally and the protocols they support, all of which are intended to attend long-lived & real-time web requests/responses. As you learned in previous sections, WSGI app servers rely on dozens of threads/processes to scale, ASGI app servers instead rely on a single thread/process with a very different design based on an event-loop that allows it to scale better and for longer-lived requests/responses. Similarly, while WSGI app servers operate with the popular HTTP protocol, this protocol's design is ill suited for real-time web requests/responses that can benefit greatly from a bi-directional connection, in this sense, ASGI app servers support protocols like Web sockets and HTTP/2 intended for real-time web requests/responses.
Although ASGI app servers are still relatively new, there are already various ASGI app server options to choose from with different features sets. So similar to how WSGI app servers offer the same solution and yet differ in features they offer and how they operate internally, ASGI app servers follow the same pattern. The three leading ASGI app servers are the following:
- Daphne[10].- An ASGI app server built by Django core members. Its purpose is to support Django channels, which is a project that supports real-time web features in Django (e.g. Web sockets).
- Hypercorn[12].- An ASGI app server inspired by the Gunicon WSGI app server described earlier. Uses a variety of libraries to support different protocols (e.g.
) and also supports multiple event-loop foundations through various libraries (e.g.asyncio
). - Uvicorn[11].- An ASGI app server with tight integration with the Gunicon WSGI app server described earlier. Designed with speed in mind, it uses the
library -- based on Cython -- for its event-loop foundation, useshttptools
for HTTP protocol support (vs.h11
) and thewebsockets
library for Web Socket support (vs.wsporto
Enterprise WSGI/ASGI setup: Containerized with Docker & Kubernetes cluster
Whether you opt to use a WSGI app server or ASGI app server for your Django application, the previous deployment architectures assume the existence of a single WSGI/ASGI app server: the production environment. While this single ad-hoc WSGI/ASGI app server set up may work forever for many teams and organizations, for others there will come a need to migrate to a more sophisticated and enterprise type deployment architecture.
The main problem with an ad-hoc WSGI/ASGI app server set up is it can become very hard to replicate and update. As teams and organizations grow, the need for multiple people and teams to work with an identical environment as the production environment can become critical, since a failure to do so, can lead to unexpected bugs, failed deployments and application downtime. In this sense, I'm not referring to simply sharing a WSGI/ASGI app server configuration among peers like you would a Django application's code, but rather a set of software engineering practices often called CI/CD to reliably update and add new features to applications.
One of the major concepts in enterprise CI/CD deployments are containers. A container is used to hold all the required bits and pieces -- at the software level -- needed by an application, including OS dependencies and programming language dependencies (e.g. Python pip
packages), among other things (e.g. open OS ports). Imagine having the ability to hit a 'Record' button and all the actions you make on an application and OS are saved, this way they can easily be played back on another machine, so anyone can have a replica of what you did, this is the principle of containers. Although there are many container technologies to choose from now days, the first and still dominant player is Docker.
For Django applications, instead of updating a single ad-hoc production WSGI/ASGI app server environment on every change made to an application, a container image is created -- with all the bits and pieces that compose an application, including a WSGI/ASGI app server -- on every change made to an application, in this manner, a container image is used to roll-out the latest production release and other purposes like automated testing and cluster scalability.
Figure 5-3 illustrates some of the deployment hurdles you can face with a plain WSGI/ASGI deployment architecture, that although solvable, require an increasing amount of work as teams and users grow, all of which can be greatly simplified by adopting a CI/CD workflow and containerizing an application.