Django admin create, update, delete record options

Besides Django admin read record options, primarily used to modify the main page of every model in the Django admin (i.e. where the list of records for each model is presented), there are other Django admin pages used to create, update and delete Django model records that also support a series of options.

When you click on the 'Add <model name>' button on the top right of every Django admin page that presents model records, you're taken to a form-like page where you can provide values for a new record -- illustrated in figure 11-23 -- and when you click on a record in a Django admin record list, you're also taken to a form-like page where you can edit or delete field values for the record -- illustrated in figure 11-24.

Figure 11-23. Django admin page to create model record

Figure 11-24. Django admin page to edit or delete model record

Tip See the filter_horizontal and filter_vertical options in figure 11-37 and figure 11-38 for friendlier UIs for the amenities field shown in figure 11-23 and figure 11-24.

In the next sub-sections I'll describe the various options available in the Django admin to create, update and delete records, which is worth noting, is the same page for all three operations.

Record forms: fields, readonly_fields, exclude, fieldsets, formfield_overrides, form, prepopulated_fields

By default, the Django admin generates a form for all the fields in a Django model you're working on. For example, in figure 11-23 and figure 11-24 you can see six fields in the Django admin form which correspond to six field definitions for the Store Django model. Behind the scenes, since the Django admin uses forms filled with model records, Django admin forms operate and have options which are almost identical to the model forms described in Chapter 9.

The first option available to alter the amount of Django admin form fields vs. its backing model is the fields option. The fields option lets you alter the order in which the form fields appear or create a form with a sub-set of model fields. Listing 11-15 illustrates the use fields in a Django admin class and figure 11-25 illustrates the UI generated by listing 11-15.

Listing 11-15. Django admin fields option for Django admin forms

class StoreAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
      fields = ['address','city','state','email'], StoreAdmin)

Figure 11-25.- Django admin fields option for Django admin forms

In listing 11-15 you can see the fields option contains four fields vs. six fields in the original backing Store Django model and in figure 11-25 you can confirm Django admin form is generated with just four fields.

Another variation of the same fields option for Django admin forms is combining multiple form fields into the same UI line. This is easily achieved by nesting fields in their own tuple. For example, if you define fields = ['address',('city','state'),'email'], the city and state forms fields are generated on the same line in the form, as illustrated in figure 11-26.

Figure 11-26. Django admin fields option with wrapped fields for Django admin forms

Tip The list_editable option creates an inline form to edit records without the need to enter a dedicated form page like the one in figure 11-25 and figure 11-26. See the previous section on 'Record links and inline edit'.

As helpful as the fields options is, on other occasions it can be necessary to display a form field but not allow it to be changed, because omitting a field altogether may lead to confusion. To disallow the editing of a form field you can use the readonly_fields option. Listing 11-16 illustrates the use of the readonly_fields option and figure 11-27 its UI layout.

Listing 11-16. Django admin readonly_fields option for Django admin forms

class StoreAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
      readonly_fields = ['name','amenities'], StoreAdmin)

Figure 11-27. Django admin readonly_fields option for Django admin forms

In listing 11-16 you can see the readonly_fields option make the name and amenities fields read only. Because the fields option is not used, all the model fields are used to generate a form. In figure 11-27 you can see how the name and amenities fields are shown as text rather than input form fields, making them ineditable.

A side-effect of only using the readonly_fields option is that these field definitions are placed at the bottom of the form, as seen in figure 11-27. If you want to maintain the same form field order as the original Django model, then you need to explicitly define the form fields using the fields option, in this way the form field order follows the fields option and any field in readonly_field is displayed as read-only, respecting the field position set in the fields option.

Besides supporting model field names, the readonly_fields option also supports callable methods to further add custom behavior. Listing 11-17 illustrates the use of the readonly_fields option with a callable and figure 11-28 the UI layout.

Listing 11-17. Django admin readonly_fields option with callable for Django admin forms

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

class StoreAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    fields = ['name','address',('city','state'),'email','custom_amenities_display']
    readonly_fields = ['name','custom_amenities_display']
    def custom_amenities_display(self, obj):
        return mark_safe("Amenities can only be modified by special request, please contact the 
                                 store manager at %s to create a request" % (,
    custom_amenities_display.short_description = "Amenities", StoreAdmin)

Figure 11-28. Django admin readonly_fields option for Django admin forms

In listing 11-17 you can see the readonly_fields option uses the custom_amenities_display callable to create a custom field. In figure 11-28 toward the bottom, you can see this new custom field -- in place of the original amenities field -- which shows a friendlier message than figure 11-27 and is also ineditable.

The exclude option for forms in Django admin classes is complementary to the fields option. Where as the fields option requires to explicitly create of list of fields to include in a Django admin form, the exclude offers the inverse behavior, requiring to explicitly list fields that shouldn't be part of a Django admin form. For example, for a Django model with the fields a,b,c the Django admin class fields = ('a','b') option is equivalent to the exclude = ('c') option (i.e. both options generate the same Django admin form).

The fieldsets option for Django admin classes provides greater control over the layout of pages used to create and edit records in the Django admin. Unlike the fields option which can alter the order of form fields or even nest form fields on the same line -- as illustrated in figure 11-26 -- the fieldsets option works with the fields option to divide a page into sets. Listing 11-18 illustrates the use of the fieldsets option and figure 11-29 and 11-30 the corresponding layout.

Listing 11-18. Django admin fieldsets option for Django admin forms

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

class StoreAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    fieldsets = [
        ['Store general information', {
            'fields': ['name', 'email']
        ['Store location options', {
            'classes': ['collapse'],
            'fields': ['address',('city', 'state')],
    ], StoreAdmin)

Figure 11-29. Django admin fieldsets option for Django admin forms

Figure 11-30. Django admin fieldsets option for Django admin forms (collapsed)

In listing 11-18 you can see the fieldsets options accepts a list value composed of two lists, where each list represents a section of the Django admin page as illustrated in figure 11-29 and figure 11-30. Each of the internal lists is made up by a first argument that represents the title or header of the section and a second argument that's a dictionary. This last dictionary itself contains values assigned to a fields key -- which functions just like the fields option described previously -- and a classes key which gives the section certain behaviors through CSS classes. In this case, you can see the second section in listing 11-18 indicates 'classes': ['collapse'], which tells Django to make the section collapsible, in figure 11-29 and figure 11-30 you can appreciate this collapsed and un-collapsed behavior.

In addition to the collapse option used in the classes key in fieldsets, another helpful CSS class option is wide which adds more horizontal space between fields. Note that it's valid to add any number of CSS classes to the classes key, either CSS classes included with the Django admin (i.e. collapse and wide) or even custom admin CSS classes.

The formfield_overrides option provides a way to override the default form widgets associated with a Django model field in a Django admin form. By default, all Django model fields have a given widget assigned to them for the purpose of generating a form -- a topic discussed in the Chapter 9, specifically table 9-1. However, if you feel the default widget for a given model field is inadequate for the Django admin, you can use the formfield_overrides option as illustrated in listing 11-19.

Listing 11-19, Django admin formfield_overrides option for Django admin forms

from django.contrib import admin
from coffeehouse.items.models import Menu

class MenuAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = { 
        models.CharField: {'widget': forms.Textarea}
    }, MenuAdmin)

The formfield_overrides option in listing 11-19 tells the Django admin to use the forms.Textarea widget -- which generates a standard HTML <textarea> tag -- for all model fields that use the CharField. In figure 11-32 you can see the effects of applying the formfield_overrides option of listing 11-19, where as in figure 11-31 you can see the default widget used for CharField field which is a standard HTML <input> tag.

Figure 11-31. Django admin default CharField field display in Django admin form

Figure 11-32.- Django admin custom CharField field display in Django admin form using formfield_overrides

While all the previous options allow you to tweak parts of a form used in the Django admin, sometimes it's necessary to create a form from scratch for the Django admin instead of tweaking the underlying form generated by the Django model (e.g. if you require custom validation for the Django admin form). To specify a custom form for a Django admin class you can use the form option.

Finally, one more option associated with Django admin forms that's specific to models that require slug field values is prepopulated_fields. If you're unfamiliar with the term 'slug', in the simplest terms a slug field value is a machine friendly representation of a string, for example upper-case letters are converted to lower case and special characters like spaces are converted to dashes. Through the prepopulated_fields option, you can tell Django that while a user types in a value for a given field in a Django admin form, it automatically fill another field in the form with the slug representation of the first.

For example, for the prepopulated_fields = {'address': ['city','state']} option, if a user types in a value of San Diego into the city form field and CA in state, Django fills the address form field with the value of san-diego-ca. It's worth mentioning this functionality is achieved through JavaScript integrated into the Django admin and also that the prepopulated_fields option doesn't accept DateTimeField, ForeignKey or ManyToManyField fields as backing model data types.

Actions, links and positions: save_on_top, save_as (Clone records), save_as_continue and view_on_site

At the bottom of each form page to create, update and delete Django model records are all the buttons to perform actions on the page: 'Delete','Save and add another','Save and continue editing' and 'Save', all of which are illustrated in figure 11-33. If a form is too large it can be difficult to reach these action buttons without scrolling down, so to solve this scenario Django admin classes support the save_on_top option which creates the same action buttons at the top of the page as illustrated in figure 11-34. Note that to generate the layout in figure 11-34 you use save_on_top = True.

Figure 11-33. Django admin standard action button on form page

Figure 11-34. Django admin save_on_top option on form page

Sometimes the need can arise to generate an identical or almost identical record from a pre-existing record in the Django admin. Because copy-pasting values from one form to another in the Django admin can be a time consuming and error prone process, Django admin classes also support the save_as option to clone pre-existing model records. If you set the save_as = True option on a Django admin class, Django replaces the 'Save and add another' button with the 'Save as new' button, as illustrated in figure 11-35.

Figure 11-35. Django admin save_as (Clone) option on form page

If you click on the 'Save as new' button illustrated in figure 11-35, Django saves an identical record -- effectively cloning the record you see on screen -- using a different id value to differentiate between the two. Note that if the underlying Django model prohibits this action (e.g. fields must be unique) the operation does not take place and an error is thrown indicating the cause.

When you use the save_as = True option and perform the action of cloning a record (i.e. clicking on the 'Save as new' button), the Django admin keeps you on the form of the newly cloned record in case you want to change it further. You can use the save_as_continue = False option, to tell the Django admin to redirect you to the main model list page after cloning a record.

Django model classes support an instance method called get_absolute_url() that makes it possible to resolve the public url of a record via a Django model's fields (e.g. the urls /store/1/, /store/2/, /store/3/ fit a pattern, where each number represents a Store id value, in which case the get_absolute_url() method for the Store model would return /store/<store_record_id>. In the Django admin, the get_absolute_url() method is tied directly to a link that aids in viewing the record at its public url destination, figure 11-36 illustrates this link in the top right corner.

Figure 11-36. Django admin 'View on site' button due to get_absolute_url() Django model method

In figure 11-36, the 'View on site' button in the top-right generates a link based on the Django model's get_absolute_url() method, as well as the current record's value defined in this last method. In this manner, in a single click you're able to visualize the record you're editing in the Django admin at its public url destination. If you wish to disable this button you can add the view_on_site = False option to the Django admin class. Note that if the underlying Django model class does not define the get_absolute_url() method no button is displayed, irrespective of the view_on_site value.

Relationships: filter_horizontal, filter_vertical, radio_fields, raw_id_fields, inlines

Django model relationships tasks related to create, update and delete operations, also have certain behaviors in the context of Django admin classes that are worth describing separately.

When you use a ManyToManyField field on a Django model and access it in the Django admin, Django generates HTML <select>/<option> form tags to choose the values for the ManyToManyField field -- as illustrated at the bottom of figure 11-23 and figure 11-24. However, because this type of selection method can be cumbersome for large lists, the Django admin offers the filter_horizontal and filter_vertical options to generate separate panels to make value selection easier. Figure 11-37 illustrates the layout of the filter_horizontal option and figure 11-38 illustrates the layout of filter_vertical option.

Figure 11-37. Django admin filter_horizontal option for ManyToManyField

Figure 11-38. Django admin filter_vertical option for ManyToManyField

In figures 11-37 and 11-38 you can see there are two panels to select and unselect values for a given ManyToManyField, with the only difference being filter_horizontal stacks the panels horizontally -- in figure 11-37 -- and filter_vertical stacks the panels vertically -- in figure 11-38.

Assuming the ManyToManyField field is named amenities, to achieve the layout in figure 11-37 you would declare filter_horizontal = ['amenities'] and to achieve the layout in figure 11-38 you would declare filter_vertical = ['amenities'].

When you use a ForeignKey model data type or the choices option in a Django model field and access it in the Django admin, Django also generates HTML <select>/<option> form tags to choose the value for the ForeignKey field -- as illustrated at the top of figure 11-39.

Figure 11-39. Django admin default select list for ForeignKey or choices option

A Django admin class can change this default layout with the radio_fields option to generate a layout with HTML radio buttons. Listing 11-20 illustrates the two alternatives for the radio_fields option in a Django admin class and figures 11-40 and 11-41 the UI layouts.

Listing 11-20. Django admin radio_fields option for ForeignKey field

from django.contrib import admin
from coffeehouse.items.models import Item

# Option 1 (Horizontal)
class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    radio_fields = {"menu": admin.HORIZONTAL}, ItemAdmin)    

# Option 2 (Vertical)
class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    radio_fields = {"menu": admin.VERTICAL}, ItemAdmin)

Figure 11-40. Django admin horizontal radio_fields option for ForeignKey or choices option

Figure 11-41. Django admin vertical radio_fields option for ForeignKey or choices option

In listing 11-20 you can see option one defines the radio_fields value with the {"menu": admin.HORIZONTAL} dictionary, where menu represents the ForeignKey field or a field with the choices option and admin.HORIZONTAL is the orientation of the radio fields -- this option generates a layout like the one in figure 11-40. Option two in listing 11-20 defines the radio_fields in a similar way except it uses the admin.VERTICAL value to tell the Django admin to generate a vertical layout for the radio fields as illustrated in figure 11-41.

Another Django admin alternative for ForeignKey or ManyToManyField fields is the raw_id_fields option, which as its name implies relies on the raw id field value(s) to assign a ForeignKey value or ManyToManyField values. Figure 11-42 illustrates how a raw_id_fields option looks like in the Django admin.

Figure 11-42. Django admin raw_id_fields option for ForeignKey or ManyToManyField option

As you can see in figure 11-42, the Django admin generates a basic text box where you can assign id values, aided by the adjacent magnifying glass button that allows you to search for and select values. Assuming the ForeignKey or ManyToManyField field is named menu, to achieve the layout in figure 11-42 you would declare raw_id_fields = ["menu"]. Note that for a ForeignKey field the acceptable value is a single id and for a ManyToManyField field you can also introduce a list of ids separated by commas (i.e. a CSV)

Finally, we come to the Django admin class inlines option, designed for reverse models relationships. When you create or edit a model with a relationship in the Django admin, if this is done on the model with the relationship field definition (i.e. ForeignKey or ManyToManyField), the Django admin displays the related model values inline or adds a '+' button to add new model values, as shown in figure 11-37 -- for ForeignKey menu values -- and figure 11-39 -- for ManyToMany amenities values. However, when you attempt to edit or create values on the reverse model relationship (i.e. the model that doesn't have the relationship field) the Django admin only shows the model by itself as shown figure 11-31. It's possible to edit or create related model values on a reverse model relationship with the inlines option

The inlines option first requires you create a Django admin TabularInline or StackedInline class, both of which are sub-classes of the InlineModelAdmin class which is a more specialized version of the standard admin.ModelAdmin class used to create standard Django admin classes. Once you have TabularInline or StackedInline class, you can declare it as part as the value of the inlines option.

Listing 11-21 illustrates two Django admin examples that use a TabularInline and StackedInline class on a models that have a one to many and many to many relationship.

Listing 11-21. Django admin inlines option for ForeignKey and ManyToManyField field

# (ForeignKey)
from django.contrib import admin
from coffeehouse.items.models import Item, Menu

class ItemInline(admin.TabularInline):
    model = Item
class MenuAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ['name']
    inlines = [
    ], MenuAdmin)

# (ManyToManyField)
from django.contrib import admin
from coffeehouse.stores.models import Store, Amenity

class StoreInline(admin.StackedInline):
    model = Store.amenities.through
class AmenityAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [
    ], AmenityAdmin)

The first example in listing 11-21 illustrates the ItemInline class which inherits its behavior from built-in TabularInline class. Because this last class is designed to represent a model in the Django admin, it also declares the model field with the Item model class. Next, the MenuAdmin class is a standard Django admin class designed for the Menu model class, but notice it uses the inlines option with the ItemInline class. Because of this last configuration, when you go to edit or create Menu model record in the Django admin, all Item model records associated with a given Menu model record are displayed inline as illustrated in figure 11-43.

Figure 11-43. Django admin inlines option with TabularInline for ForeignKey

As you can see in figure 11-43, in addition the standard Django admin form to edit or create Menu records, there's also a formset displaying all Item model records for the given Menu record, in this case, the formset contains Item records that belong to the Drinks Menu record. Also notice the form fields for each form in the formset in figure 11-43 are inlined as tabs, which is a behavior provided by the TabularInline class.

The second part of listing 11-21 illustrates the StoreInline class which inherits its behavior from built-in StackedInline class. Because this last class is designed to represent a model in the Django admin, it also declares the model field with the Store.amenities.through model class, this additional model syntax -- amenities.through -- is necessary because the Store to Amenity model is a many to many relationship. Note the through keyword is standard for many to many relationship queries and is described in the earlier Django model chapters.

Next, the AmenityAdmin class is a standard Django admin class designed for the Item model class, but notice it uses the inlines option with the StoreInline class. Because of this last configuration, when you go to edit or create an Amenity model record in the Django admin, all Store model records associated with a given Amenity model record are displayed inline as illustrated in figure 11-44.

Figure 11-44. Django admin inlines option with StackedInline for ManyToManyField

As you can see in figure 11-44, in addition the standard Django admin form to edit or create Amenity records, there's also a formset displaying all Store model records for the given Amenity record, in this case, the formset contains Store records that have the Amenity Laptop locks record. Also notice the form fields for each form in the formset in figure 11-43 are inline stacks, which is a behavior provided by the StackedInline class.

Tip InlineModelAdmin classes (i.e. TabularInline or StackedInline) in addition to the model option, also support standard Django admin class -- admin.ModelAdmin -- options described earlier (e.g. form, fields, exclude), as well as standard formset options described in Chapter 6 and model formset options described in Chapter 9 (e.g. formset, extra, max_num, min_num)[2]